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A Guide to Avoiding Social Media IPO Scams

Social media provides opportunities for communication, networking and access to information. However, this digital landscape has also become a breeding ground for scams and fraudulent activities.

At Al Ansari Financial Services, we’re committed to combating social media scams. Our initiatives aim to empower individuals to identify and avoid fraudulent schemes. We prioritise customer protection, offer direct advice to address concerns and provide accurate information about our IPO. Additionally, we’ve partnered with a company to detect and report fake social media accounts impersonating us.

Through our initiatives, we protect individuals from scammers and prevent the spread of false information. Our dedication to investor protection and collaboration with regulatory bodies exemplify our commitment to a secure investing environment.

In this blog, we aim to provide you with advice to protect yourself and make informed decisions. Remember, a cautious and informed approach is key to protecting your investments and financial wellbeing.

  1. Do your due diligence. Before investing in an IPO, it is crucial to conduct extensive research. Study the prospectus, financial statements, business model, competitive landscape and associated risks. Understanding the offering details, such as the number of shares and the price range, will enable you to invest confidently and wisely.
  2. Protect personal and financial information. Never share your personal or financial information with unverified sources or suspicious individuals on social media platforms. Scammers often attempt to collect such information for identity theft or unauthorised transactions. Protect yourself by keeping your information confidential and sharing it only with trusted entities through secure channels.

    For example, Al Ansari Financial Services’ shares, listed under the ticker ALANSARI, began trading on April 6, 2023. By relying on verified information, you can make well-informed investment decisions and avoid falling victim to misinformation or fraudulent claims.

  3. Rely on verified sources. Stay updated and make informed decisions by following the official channels of companies, stock exchanges and financial regulatory bodies. These sources provide accurate information about IPOs, trading activities, and relevant announcements. Trust official websites, verified social media accounts, and reputable news sources as your primary information sources.

    In the case of the Al Ansari Financial Services IPO, subscriptions are closed and allocation notifications have been sent to all subscribers. Any social media posts or messages claiming participation in this IPO are highly likely to be scams.

  4. Be mindful of closed subscriptions. Subscriptions to IPOs are time-sensitive and often have a specific, designated period. Beware of invitations or claims suggesting ongoing subscriptions after the allotted period has closed. Fraudsters may attempt to deceive unsuspecting individuals by falsely advertising open subscriptions.

    In the case of the Al Ansari Financial Services IPO, subscriptions are closed and allocation notifications have been sent to all subscribers. Any social media posts or messages claiming participation in this IPO are highly likely to be scams.

  5. Report suspicious activity. If you come across questionable social media posts, messages or advertisements related to IPOs, take immediate action. Report such activities to the respective social media platforms and local authorities. By doing so, you not only protect yourself but also contribute to safeguarding others from falling victim to these scams, actively maintaining the integrity and security of online communities.

    Remain vigilant and stay informed about the prevalent scams circulating on social media. The Al Ansari Financial Services IPO serves as a prime example of scammers exploiting the excitement surrounding investment opportunities. By staying informed, conducting thorough research and safeguarding your personal information, you can protect yourself from falling victim to social media scams. Remember, investing wisely requires diligent research and a cautious approach.

    For the latest updates or investment-related inquiries regarding Al Ansari Financial Services shares, visit our Investor Relations page at If you are interested in investing in listed companies on the Dubai Financial Market, access the official DFM website at

    We hope that these guidelines will assist you in navigating social media scams and contribute to a safer investment environment

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    A Guide to Avoiding Social Media IPO Scams